

Kit: Avalanchekit

Apprentice: Avalanchepaw

Approximate age in comic (currently)

6 moons


Born outside of a clan

Personal History

Avalanchekit was born alongside his brother Brightkit while their parents, Sheepsong and Archibald, were still in exile. Having been born on a cold mountain in the middle of winter, it was unclear if they would make it, but with hard work from their family, both kittens survived.

From a young age, everyone could tell something was wrong with Avalanchekit. Nobody knew what any of it meant at the time, but from the moment he could speak, he spoke of terrible visions and kept reporting things nobody else could see.

No one was sure of why he was so deeply haunted by visions, though his mother and aunt, both former clan cats, assumed he must have some connection to StarClan.

His constant, worrisome visions left him with a deep sense of melancholy, and the young cat became quite sad and morose despite his age. He is neutral about clan life, unsure of whether or not it will make their rotten luck any better.

Miscellaneous Facts
