

Kit: Daisykit

Apprentice: Daisypaw

Approximate Age in comic (Currently)

6 moons



Personal History

Daisykit was born to Sandshell and Shadowheart, two HawkClan cats. When Sandshell was pregnant with Daisykit, Shadowheart left the clan to roam as a loner, devastating Sandshell. Daisykit never knew her father, but she was aware that he hurt her mother, which made her very mad. Daisykit was always the most openly strange of the kits in the clan, and few others wanted to be her friend as a result. Dazzlekit was always kind to her, though, so she trusted her.

When the fire came, Daisykit was terrified and could not run as fast as the other kits. While the other clanmates all scrambled trying to save their loved ones and themselves, Daisykit was being trampled in the chaos. Dazzlekit, finding her in the chaos, grabbed her and saved her.

Daisypaw deeply cares for the others, as they have not treated her like an other or a strange cat, and they include her in the duties of clanlife. She was the first to truly accept Slight as a member of the clan, and deeply admires her.

Daisypaw was born as a tom, but she admitted to Dazzlepaw just before her apprentice ceremony that she wanted to be something else.

Miscellaneous Facts
