Kit: Sheepkit
Apprentice: Sheeppaw
Warrior: Sheepsong
43 moons
Former Clan Cat
Sheepkit was born alongside her sister, Dahliakit, to a MouseClan warrior named Firesmoke. Their father was a former kittypet named George, who tried to join MouseClan to be with his kits. The then-leader of MouseClan, Swanstar, rejected his attempt to join and claimed that Firesmoke had brought an omen to the clans by getting pregant to a kittypet. The kits, before they were even born, were seen as a curse laid upon the clan for this crime, and bad luck seemed to follow them everywhere they went.
Firesmoke tried to fight this, but mysteriously died during her first hunt after her parental leave was over. Without their father there to care for them, the kits were left orphaned, and the clan only took care of them because of the warrior code.
Unlike her fierce sister, Sheepsong was always a timid and polite molly. She struggled to fit in to the clan with everyone's view of her and her sister as cursed cats, and she was always blaming herself for every bad thing that happened to them and the clan as a whole.
During a solo border patrol, she ran across a large, handsome kittypet tomcat who introduced himself as Archibald. Looking for someone to confide in over her troubles in her clan, she began to seek out his company, and the two started to fall in love over the moons.
Eventually, Sheepsong fell pregnant and could not hide her relationship with Archibald anymore. Knowing that it would come out one way or another, she gathered her courage and confessed to her relationship with Archibald to the new leader of MouseClan, Foxstar. Foxstar, wanting to be a strong leader, chose to exile her. Sheepsong knew this would happen and was planning to live with Archibald and his twolegs; however, the twolegs suddenly left without Archibald or Sheepsong. Not sure what else to do, the couple moved towards the mountains.