

Kit: Smallkit

Apprentice: Smallpaw

Approximate Age in comic (Currently)

8 moons



Personal History

Smallkit was found barely alive, floating in a creek in the aftermath of a huge flood that swept the territories. Having barely rescued the small kit's life, Sprucedapple, former medicine cat of HawkClan, decided to adopt the kit as her own. This allowed her to monitor his condition better, while also giving him a fighting chance at being accepted as a HawkClan cat.

Smallkit was always quite frightened of the world, possibly because of his traumatic origin, and he always reacted coldly to other kits. This coldness gave him a mysterious air to the other kits, who became interested in him as a result (especially Dazzlekit).

When the fire swept through the territory, he nearly burned alive, but was saved by Blazekit, who bravely moved Smallkit from his hiding spot. Ever since then, Smallpaw has had trouble meeting Blazepaw's eye... but he has a habit of letting his eyes linger on Blazepaw when the older cat's gaze is turned.

Smallpaw still struggles to express himself fully, but he now trusts his clanmates fully, and is less frightened of the world, feeling more accepted as one of their own.

Miscellaneous Facts
